So, a long time has passed since my last post. I'm now in the twelfth grade and I'm preparing for the big exam awaiting me at the end of highschool, so for the last couple of months math and biology, the two main subjects which I'm studying for really hard, were constantly on my mind. Now I can say I don't have a social life. Sad, I know...
So, with some minutes to spare weekly, I have found an amazing site with lots of giveaways and I wondered: "Why am I not participating?!" I want you to take a look at this and see if you're also interested. If you're a girl and you love makeup, this might be pretty amazing:
Hello people! I have a request. Whoever stumbles upon this blog, I know there aren't many people, but, please, those who see this post, DO THIS. I beg of you...
VOTE on this : GLOBAL MNET All you have to do is to register, it's simple and easy. You can vote once a day. The band which I want you to vote is U-KISS with DORADORA. You can find them in the chart at number 46.
Now, I have to justify this post. This band has worked so much since the beginning, it has been 4 years since they debuted and they haven't won a single 1st place on music charts in Korea. And they are truly awesome. They deserve it. Not just because it's a golden award, the 1st place, but they have this single wish to win to make people believe in them and see their hardwork and support them more. Us, fans, are truly sad, because people just cannot see their real potential. Even you don't understand the language, my belief is that music is a language spoken by all nations in the world. So, if their songs reach you, please VOTE FOR THEM :)
Here is a couple of songs from U-Kiss ~
Take This Regret
Anul apariţiei: 2011
Citit: 02.I.2012 - 08.I.2012
Contemporary Romance
Etichete: 2012, amy lichtenhan, contemporary romance, impresii lectura, Take this regret
Etichete: 2012, impresii lectura, maid for love, marie force
Etichete: 2012, impresii lectura, katherine allred, what price paradise
Azi, 29 octombrie 2011, am vizionat împreună cu mama mea, la Kanal D, emisiunea ''Asta-i România!''. Mai mulţi reporteri au pus întrebări unor persoane dintr-un sat, unde au fost aduse nişte moaşte.
Întrebare: Aţi sărutat vreodată moaştele?
O bătrână: Nu, niciodată.
R: Păi, nu aţi fost azi, la biserică?
B: Ba da.
R: Şi ce-aţi sărutat?
B: O chestie ca un coşciug, cu un geam. Am văzut o mână.
R: Şi ce credeţi că sunt acelea moaşte?
B: ştiu... ceva de la un sfint... un nas, o ureche...
R2: Mamaie, ce sunteţi, ortodoxă sau catolică?
Bătrana2: Sunt română, maică! Ce, vorbesc altă limbă!?
R2: Şi la ce vă închinaţi?
B2: La icoană...Cu faţa spre răsărit...
R3: De ce religie sunteţi?
Batrâna3: Religia asta nouă pe-acilea...catolică. Mai ca toată lumea...
R3: Şi la ce biserică vă duceţi?
B3: La biserica astea acilea...
Îmi cer scuze dacă cineva se simte ofensat din pricina acestor vorbe sau dacă nu mi-am amintit corect, fiecare frază din emisiune. Am căutat să o văd din nou, pentru a reţine, dar nu am găsit nimic.